Friday, November 03, 2006

Hate mail brewing in Hater's Kitchen.

Within a few minutes of writing my previous blog, I got my very first hate mail, or should I say comment. Someone by the alias of “darkstar” (or was it dickstar?) thought my entry seemed “arrogant” and the poor soul thought he would be doing humanity a great service if he documented his antagonistic opinion on my blog. It read something like this:

My, my, my, I can at least love a stupid person in their ignorance. I have no
love for arrogant, conceited bitches... Pretty skin can not hide an ugly mind...

Oh my God. You are so right. What was I thinking? Thank you my sweet angel for saving me from the road of self destruction. From here forth I shall match my beautiful skin with a beautiful inside and forever be loved by all.


Apparently, Mr. Fruity Star must have single handedly assumed he was being shoved into the IS category, in which case he must have some valid symptoms to go with his hypothesis. Congratulations you’re an idiot and you saved me the troublesome diagnosis process.

Now, what if we followed Captain Dickstar’s advice and “loved a stupid person in their own ignorance”? Would this be contributing to the greater moral good? Is there even such a thing? No. Even the bible talks about the importance of being shrewd and how the ones lacking of reasoning will fair badly. I’m just helping the last part come along a lot quicker.

If you are a person who has not realized how intelligence in our society has gone down hill and think everything is the way it should be, then you are part of the problem. My blog is going to be used as a release for people who have encountered future IS patients and wish to voice their harsh opinions on how future generations are a gene away from being empty potato sacks. It’s a productive way of liberating frustrations and avoiding violence to be released on these people. The only way to save these people, is to treat their stupidity as a disease. I might even be saving lives. How many times have you said to yourself “What an idiot! I’ll kill that son of a b***?” Well imagine if you had a place to talk about it and therefore saving you 30 years in prison?

Writing a blog like mine should be considered community service. I should win a Nobel Prize. Don’t agree? Then you probably have Imbecile Syndrome.

1 comment:

misto said...

I DANCE AND LAUGH AND FALL INTO OBLIVION WHEN I READ IT, IT IS THE BEST THING I COULD BEAR IN THIS HUMAN MORTAL FORM. Good thing I can change into the ultimate deity of super powers and furious motorcycling in the midst of slavery and famine! KEEP WRITING, its the key to salvation on a personal level.